Sunday 18 October 2015

Blogger with firefox

The only way i could get my blogger dashboard working again with firefox was to go to my usual blogger page and at the end of the address ie after .com  add /ncr

This allowed me to edit blogger with the dashboard


Finally managed to get my blog working again, i see that all my posts have gone so hopefully will start again. I have created a new stocks and shares pages whether i continue to do stocks and shares will all depend on what i make next week, so far it hasn't looked too good.

Saturday 10 October 2015

My next financial step

I may start a new page to link to for this, as it's only early stages a week old i need to see how i do over the coming months.
My plan now after working over 30 years of my life to make money to live i want to try and invest money to make money to live allowing me hopefully have something nice to retire on.
So far this week i have borrowed £100 from my credit card to invest in penny stocks and shares, my first aim is to pay back the £100 with anything i make and then i feel i can go ahead without feeling i have lost anything.
After this first week i think i started Tuesday i had made £24.47 by Friday evening, not a lot i know but it's not a loss and leaves me £80 to pay my credit card back.
My thinking is to start at the low end and if it works out invest more ie if i am making £20 off £100 a week what could i make off a £2000 investment or even a £20,000 investment, i am years away from this at the moment but we all need to start somewhere.
I must say before i started investing any cash in the stocks i did play/use the demo account first ie demo/virtual money just to get used to the feel of things, from then i went on Utube to see how people invest and then took the plunge.
I am not looking to make millions or a killing over night just a easier comfortable life without worrying how i can pay my holiday or car off ect.

Thoughts on Iva

Still ask myself did i do the right thing taking an IVA but need to remember i don;t think i had any other choice at the time, i had passed that moment where i had no money, no one would give me a credit card and was shopping each week feeling sick at the checkout in case my card got declined. So the answer has to be yes.
I feel it did work because i got through the 5 years, it's only now that it is effecting me, i need a mortgage and even though i finished my IVA a few months early thinking it would look good, i have found every company i have approached will not touch me until at least 6 years after the IVA started so finishing early meant nothing.
I would say a few positive things came out of me taking an IVA firstly i didn;t lose my home, i was very lucky in that i have a company pension that matched up to 8% of what i put in, so during the 5 years of the IVA i put all pay rises into my pension and some, because they couldn't touch it (this might have changed now or changes between who you go with for your IVA). Before the IVA i could only afford a small percent to put into my pension, by the end of it i was paying up to 12% which adds up over 5 years and hopefully will help me in retirement later on in life.
The next positive thing wasn't planned and happened out of the blue but helped me towards the end of the IVA, i met someone (who would have me for all my faults) and i moved in with her, this allowed me to rent my home out and become a landlord having someone else pay the mortgage on my home, forgetting about the property and being a landlord it helped me towards the end of the IVA because your debts are with your home so the IVA people couldn't touch anything in that house because someone else was now living there, and they couldn't touch anything in the girlfriends house.
I am currently hoping to get a mortgage hopefully early next year on the girlfriends home and in the process find cash to get a landlords mortgage for another property to rent out, these are just dreams at the moment.
I wanted to share this because i want you to know no matter how shit and low you are at the moment and think there is no way out and never will be, i need you to think that you never know what is round the corner, yes it may take five years which seems a life time, but with positive thinking and planning you will be on a better road.

Moving in

Been living with Jayne and Georgia for nearly 2 years now and enjoying my life